

A Unique Friendship
In a quiet town, where love seemed obscured,
There lived a boy, whose heart was undisturbed.
For in his chest, a flame of love did ignite,
Yet the girl he adored, had not one inkling in sight.

He watched her from afar, with eyes so sincere,
Wishing she'd see through, the depth of his care.
Her smiles were like sunshine, warming his days,
But for her, he was just a friend, in friendship's embrace.

He'd sacrifice it all, his dreams and his goals,
To be by her side, to heal her wounded souls.
For love knows no bounds, in its selfless state,
And this boy knew that friendship would be his fate.

He'd give up the stars, to light up her night,
He'd surrender the moon, just to see her ignite.
His heart filled with joy, to be close by her side,
For he knew deep down, his love would never subside.

He'd listen to her woes, and dry up her tears,
Though within his own heart, he carried his fears.
But his love was like a river, flowing endlessly,
Invisible, but real, like the wind in harmony.

His sacrifices grew, with each passing day,
Putting her needs above his own, come what may.
He proved that friendship, true and pure,
Could withstand the challenges, that life would endure.

For in his devotion, he found solace and peace,
Knowing his love for her would never decrease.
And though she may never comprehend his heart's plight,
He's content with their friendship, forever in sight.

So let this tale be a testament to prove,
That sometimes in friendship, love can be sacrificed, too.
For this boy, though his heart may forever yearn,
Is happy to be her friend, and nothing more he'll discern.

© Imaginoid