

Round and Round in my head...
And the room was dark, as I walked through the corridor
The moonlight reflecting through the windows made me halt!
I saw a door and I walked towards it with doubt in my mind, there in front I was
The cold air whispered to my ear and I shivered
I felt an emptiness in my heart, my legs stopped moving but my hand reached for the door knob
I could feel a strong repudiation from my conscience and tears rolled down my cheeks as I gasped for breathe
The knob turned and I was afraid for I did not open it
The door made a creaking sound and I saw a shadow, a mirror and a lit candle
And I walked in, I was sitting on the edge of the bed
"Oh, you are back, what took you so long?"
As I turned again, I wasn't standing by the door, I was sitting on the edge of the bed, I was her
But the one in the mirror gave me a cold smile and the candle blew out
In spite of fear, confusion and darkness, I walked through the mirror
There I was again in the dark room and walking through the corridors
Only then I realised I was playing a game with the demons in my head..

© jendahma's guide