

Social media, corrupting our minds.

Fake news. Old news,

Popping up all the time.

Billions of people,

but they all know your name,

Your whole life story,

out on display.

Stalkers and mega fans.

Some similarities.

Obsessed. Never gonna leave you alone.

Spam texts. Death threats
when you ignore.

Fame is complicated.


You can inspire the world or become the most hated person alive.

You can make a good difference in others’ lives,

or laugh in their faces.

Parading around all your money, all your wealth and fame.

The narcissistic traits that develop when everyone knows your name,

something you can’t escape.

Dragging you down,

slowly but surely.

Some escape by the tip of their skin.

I hope everyone influenced by fame escapes their forever fated destiny.

© Theo.