

I'm always with u
I am the breeze you feel graze your cheek
I am the whistling wind hear me speak
I am the beautiful flower that grows in spring
I am the chirping bluebirds hear me sing
Dont be discouraged because I'm no longer in sight
I live on in your heart I'm with you day n night
No one ever promised me tomorrow
My life was full of pain n sorrow
I had a child at a young age
Unleashed to the streets filled with rage
I had no guidance just me n my baby on our own
I was torn from the only home I'd ever known
Mom although u put me out at 15 I will never pass blame
I'm sorry mom for my actions caused you shame
I'm sorry Emily I did all I could to protect you and I failed
I never gave up on u I always prevailed
Your all grown up now ur so beautiful n strong
I'm sorry please forgive me for not trying harder I was wrong
Nevaeh your my miracle baby they said I couldn't ever again give birth
Yet despite what they said a beautiful lil girl I created walks this earth
I'm sorry babygirl I couldnt give you the life u deserved to live
I left because I was ashamed I had nothing to give
I've known nothing but the streets I've always been on my own
These streets raised me it's all I've known
I've never been loved so I couldnt tell u how it feels
I could tell u that heart ache never heals
I feel like I died from a broken heart so much pain
Losing my girls drove me insane
So helpless so weak so lost within my self no one heard my cries
I was in more pain then u all may realize
I walked around with a smile but my soul was suffocating each day
I tried so hard to find my way
I wish someone would of took the time to pray
No one did so it chose to stay
Until one day I passed away