

The Mirage Of Grandeur
In realms of pride, I once did reign
My wealth and riches, my heart's sweet gain
I'd boast and brag, with arrogant stride
My fortune's grandeur, my soul's inside

But now I stand, in the afterlife's gate
Where all my riches, have turned to weight
The sands of time, have swept away
Leaving me with nothing, but dismay

My dresses, once a symbol of my pride
Were borrowed finery, not mine to hide
Given to me, in a fleeting guise
Now reduced to white, a humble surprise

My wealth's grand castles, my pomp and show
All reduced to dust, as the winds do blow
My proud heart's fortress, now lies in ruin deep
And I'm left with nothing, but the sands to keep

In this desolate land, I search in vain
For the riches I had, the pride I maintained
But all I find, is the burning sand
And the echoes of my own, arrogant hand

Now I realize, the transience of wealth
The fleeting nature, of earthly stealth
For in the end, it's not gold or silver we hold
But the dust of time, that our souls must unfold