

Life is a journey, full of twists and turns
A path that we walk, as our spirit yearns
For love and happiness, and all that's good
But sometimes the road is tough, as we should

We struggle and fight, to make our way
To find our place, in the light of day
To build our careers, and chase our dreams
To achieve success, or so it seems

But life is not just about work and gain
It's about the relationships we maintain
The friendships we forge, the love we share
The people who are with us, through every care

And though we may stumble, and fall along the way
We must keep moving forward, day by day
For death is a certainty, that we cannot escape
But we can choose to live, and not just take

So let us cherish each moment, and hold it dear
For life is a precious gift, that we should revere
Let us love and laugh, and make memories to keep
For in the end, it's the love we give, that we'll reap.
© jainmitali