

Intuition Would Have Relieved Me If I Would Have Listened
#Always Listen To your Intuition

#Beat Bitterness
#You & Me

#Gutfeelings Are There For A Reason
#Stolen Smile
#Matter Of Minutes

#Never Give Anyone The Satisfaction Of Hurting You
#Part Of You Knew
#Leave Them All To Feeling The Healing

I want to be you but if you were me,
I wouldn't recognize myself because I looked actually happy,
it's unbelievable how a few wrong people can change you,
they can make you unstable with in a matter of minutes,
since you are me and the fact that I can't see that actually disturbs me,
because I should be able to recognize myself,
after they stole my wealth and hurt my dignity while hurting me when I didn't decide to perceive it that way,
it hurts me to see that I've been in denial for a while,
it hurts that I believed these people really cared about me,
no they just cared about their hunger to money and about hurting somebody,
I guess in a way it's their lose but they would still have me if they wouldn't have hurt me so badly,
this is sad to think about but I need to stop feeling doubt especially when I get gut feelings about people places or things,
I felt so doubt in my hole entire family and their friends circle plus in who I was dating but I was like no don't go,
if I would have knew then I would have dropped all of them like dropping a pen,
I wish it would have been that simple for me to believe my intention,
I never did fully trust anyone and my weird gut feelings about them,
in a way I knew it had to have stem from something,
but they were just waiting to hurt me,
maybe none of them ever really deserved,
I want to put up a barrier and start saying you have to earn me,
maybe I'm just talking foolish because some of them are still in my life I don't understand why it's hard me to stand up for myself with this sort of thing,
I should have already had all of them out,
and I should already have all of them out,
with them around I also tend to have more self doubt,
I'm damaged fully to the point where anyone could point it out but they don't know what happened to me,
I don't even recognize this me and I don't want to get to on track of getting the old me back,
I at least need the one who wouldn't put up with this stuff however the old would have still found a way to help and that's what I want,
the one who usually didn't stop smiling but I stopped smiling for them,
I decided to sacrifice my feelings for them as well,
I want to recognize myself when I was smiling all the time,
now it feels like it takes everything out of me to smile one time,
I'm metaphorically hanging on the edge of a tightrope hoping that it doesn't break while trying to take all this weight that wasn't mine to carry with me.