

Last Tock of a Ticking Beat

The winds of Time have blown fair to all
Time winds the hands of an old clock one
Last time I checked my heart beat like that
Old clock, on it's last tock and ticking beat

Be at my house no later than ten, then again
Be ten minutes late, a gain of ten days added
To our life when we're casually late, it's been
Proven, so we will be casually late to our death

Our first breath & our last breath don't matter
It's how we breathe in between that matters People forget to breathe, then they leave us
B4 you go, don't forget to enjoy the joy of love

Or the love of spreading happiness
Or the happiness of sharing kindness
Or the kindness of showing compassion
Or the compassion of caring for one other
Other than time what else do we have to lose?

Each Other.

© JML - Still a Work in Progress