

Sound around Us.
Dark and pleasant cloud in the Sky,
It's a dawn of a brand new day,
It's a day worth hoping and fighting for,
But unfortunately not all that see the beginning of the day has the privilege of seeing how it will or may end.
It comes in different waves, Sometimes it's start with,
The crow of a Crock ,
The quacking of a Duck,
The Creaking of a Crickets,
The Croaking of the Ravens,
and the faith of a Man, here are noises that surrounded us every blessed day
Here lies individual race,
The calmness weather, the sourcing sun, and a better hope of seeing each day end in productivity.
How far have we gone?
Where are we missing it out?
Does all the effort and stressed worth it?
Here are the questions that we couldn't give honest answers to cause we are being carried away by the Sound around Us

© Danstan