

. Unspoken .
In shadows cast by moon’s pale silver glow,
A heart, unspoken, yearns to find its way,
Yet words, like tangled vines, refuse to flow,
And silence wraps its shroud around the day.

The world, a stage where masks and veils abound,
Perceives my truth through fractured, clouded glass,
They see but glimpses, echoes of no sound,
And deem my soul a riddle, writ in brass.

Oh, to unravel mysteries unsung,
To bare my heart, unshackled, free from chains,
Yet fate conspires, my voice remains unstrung,
And in this maze of shadows, hope wanes.

So let me be, misunderstood, unknown,
For in my silence blooms a world of my own.

© Nik Celeste