


1) One who never seems able to express themselves clearly enough 4 you when they hurt.
2) One who causes themselves pain just by asking you 4 some of your time.(When they shouldn't have to).
3) One who does themselves injustices by listening to your moral sins and keep your secrets without betraying your confidences.
4) One who never goes off the deep end when your wrongdoing is made manifest.
5) One who always seem to do more than you ask, only to have you question the intent.
6) One who hurts with you during your moments of pain,and also smiles with you when you're the butt of the joke.

Who is this:One:? If you have no idea, know this! Inhale this over & over & maybe the truth will be told. Regardless of shape, color, or breed, we all have needs. Whether old or young, there is one in everyone wanting & waiting to be that special one to the right someone.
This has been written explicitly 4 both sexes. So call this a unsexed thought, yet forgive me 4 using this word 4 it means both, &, to do so implies 2. However, this is the line of thought I wish to awaken in you. We need both He & Her(Two) to form a we & through this union we come upon one. The right or wrong one will be decided by the only one who counts.(You)
© @Qa'id Muhammad