

everyday I long for you
I made it
finally I can get a hot cup of coffee
I was just out the kitchen
standing outside with my coffee
I looked at our and then I soaked up
what I needed to walk up within 100 foot
the fence around the yard
seemed to be thick dark lines
seemed to be a thick and operating barrier between the outside world and my yard
I was going to count the fence posts but the house phone rang
the table in the living room was crowded with my glass balls and glass rocks and things
I watched as super fast figures ran across the yard then locked the doors
the mail ran earlier but I wouldn't dare go outside to check it
the feeling of inhumane horror sunk in and I decided to lie a cigarette
the couch was so comfortable I almost became one with it when I sat down
my nerves are scrambled bc of the ginourmous figures moving outside
they were traveling really fast
wow the bathroom water faucet turned on by itself
I had to turn it off and lite a candle a black cherry candle and decided on some instance too