

In a world where the engines
Neither run on gasoline nor steam,
Where you could travel so far and wide
On the whims of your wildest dream,
Where you are free to lie and gaze
At the dark sky on a starry night,
With every twinkling of the stars
Fusing with your beating heart;

In a world where you could fly
Like a hummingbird and bumblebee,
Where you are never too young or old
To be too reckless or carefree,
Where you could kiss the blazing sun
At the centre of the universe,
And witness its rays dispensed
Right before your naked eyes;

In a world where dinosaurs
Are roaming freely as they once did,
Where you own fifty for a company
And follow wherever they lead,
Where gold is as common as stones
Trampled upon by every foot,
With not a soul led astray
For its fleeting craze or loot;

In a world where thunders speak
A language you clearly understand,
Where raging lightnings strike with a care
That forebodes safety to the mind,
Where nature and its elements
Work together to this intent,
To make life an endless spree
Of bliss from rise to sunset;

In a world where love is love
And its vows are duly respected,
Where every action is thought about
Before being done or effected,
Where foolishness is kept at bay
Even from the silliest head,
Leaving no heart to break a bit
From a word carelessly said;

In a world where everything
You never had is all you possess,
Where every single wish of the heart
Is granted before you confess,
Where you could behold your entire life
Plainly before you like a glass,
With the choice completely yours
To decide which comes to pass.
"Only in the imagination do we live in utopia."