

You and Me
I was dreaming life was happy
Until you awoke me
Daydreams of maybe
Now entirely consume me
Life was merely satisfactory
You changed the course of history
If only we had met previously
I dream all to frequently
Intently listening to everything you say
The words become cemented in clay
Never did I think I'd attempt poetry
The only one that truly knows me
You take my breath away
The movement of your hair
The light of your smile
The wisdom that you share
The curve of you lips
The sway of your hips
The brightness of your eyes
If frustration makes way
Drop everything, I'm there
If your happy, blessed to be near
The joy of your passionate energy
Insane magnetic electricity
Time together healing me
Without demands or pressure
Expectation free, Unguarded chatter
Relaxed and free
What will be will be
That's you and me

© ubeefcrj