

See to be free
The land of the free,no matter how it came to be,that you live under lady liberty, it's all of our responsibility to uphold our forefathers oppertunity,to keep her great as she has come to be. To motivate the men of 1770 was nearly a chance to break away from under the Royal families. The Amendments in place today are to reassure she don't lead astray, by the greed of the world today. She is united by provences scattered throughout the seas and backed by a strong 50, indevisable they are, the greatest under the stars. Tomorrow embarks a new century, where were starring at 2020 and her vision is a little blurry. The time is here for us to make clear to the leaders at hand, Liberties land was givin to to we, The People, And for witch she stands,One Nation Under God Indevisable With Liberty and Justice for All. In order for us to set straight the path of the Great.We demand the Truth for the Roots of ourYouth.
And to once again, To Understand for what she stands.

David Spurr....