

I'm not perfect and my lines might carry some imperfections
But that doesn't make me less human or less inspiring.
I'm still under process, I'm working at being the best version of myself.
I don't lack inspiration, my mind's just a stream of thoughts that can't be stopped.
Wait for my progress, my success won't be ignored.

I will leave a footprint, for people to know I once lived
That I once went through pain
That I also went through a dark stage
Where my voice wasn't heard
Where my talent wasn't appreciated
Where I isolated myself because I didn't feel welcomed
Where tears were more frequent than smiles
And how I came this far
Not only swimming in success
Or enjoying the fame that came with it
Or the recognition I got
But also my Growth.
Through this period of Growth
I was more confident
Loved myself more and appreciated the little I had
Understood that the moments in the dark
In the shadow
Were just teaching me to be humble.

And if only you knew that these are just my expectations,
The words I will use when I'll definitely come out of this stage
When I'll finally know that my words
Helped someone
Rescued someone
Answered someone.
We are never far from this time
When our lights won't go dim.

While waiting for that time
Let's savour our Growth.

© L. Emmanuelle