

Let me be little crazy in your love
Let me be a little bit crazy in love I entreat,
With impulsive exotic dream’s that take flight,
For in submitting into love's delicious trance,
That we will find the magic of true romance.

Free me from the chains of worldly reason holds,
To be in land of passion were love freely unfolds,
I crave such fervor of you, that defies all norms,
And my spicy dreams mold into glorious forms.

Let me be little bit lost in your deep black eyes,
Where sanity fades and my heart begins to fly,
For love's true expression knows no boundary,
Where shyness ceases and scent of craves rises,

In your warmth, I seek me redemption to retrace,
With opera of gasps guiding our bodies to interlace,
Unleashing the passion that ignites from my soul,
Together, we'll embrace, creating love's own lore.

So, my love, please understand my humble plea,
And let me be a little bit more crazy, wild, & free,
For in the realm of love, I wish with you to explore,
we'll evoke a new world were only love is revered.