

Stormy Nights
I was the only Living Soul of the Burial Party of whom stayed until the End while the Coffin was lowered down into the Thin Crust above the Lake of Fire and My Tears of Painful Sorrow flowed profusely while the Coffin was lowered down into the Thin Crust above the Lake of Fire.

I did soon return to the Grave of the Soulless Shell. A TOAST ! "My Love forever True Blood." And then I poured Ale onto the Grave while I heard Lyrics of Love from the Stormy Night of when We last explored Our Romance.

The Torrential Rain flooded the Desolate Plain while the Desolate Plain trembled from the Thunder of which emitted a Beautiful Sound while the Radiant Luminous of the Radiant Lightning Bolts illuminated so radiantly during the Night of when We last explored Our Romance and now, Soft Maggots infest the Rotting Flesh of the Decaying Corpse while the Rotting Flesh of the Decaying Corpse rots within a Box and I would embrace Her Ghostly Form, if She were to return to My Realm in Spirit Form.

Whom is rapping on that Door and should I venture to explore ?

"Thou hast returned." "And please step forth into My Dilapidated Refuge from the Elements of the Storm ?"

"I hear Lyrics of Love from the Stormy Night of when She and I last explored Our Romance."

"Time to change the Stereo Station." said She. And then an Electrical Shock, She did receive.

"That Decrepit Stereo ceased to function during the Stormy Night of when She and I last explored Our Romance and the Stereo Plug is not even plugged into an Electrical Outlet."

And now, I see the Appearance of Fear within the Optics of Her Soul while She holds the Stereo Plug within a Trembling Hand.

And now, She flees into the Elements of the Storm and She never fled before.

© Jimmy Edward Dater