

What has become of humanity
What has become of humanity...
While attending a funeral
All we care is that 'do I look okay?'
While helping someone
All we think is 'for all of my hard work would I be thanked with a bouquet?'
We laugh while someone's in pain
Why should I help what's there to gain..
Yet we wish for people to come show concern...
Why? Why should they.. this time too just like you it should be none of their concern.

What has become of humanity...
People are dying.. 'so what they die everyday.'
I am hurt ' please just come help me, just for today'
Ironical isn't it?
They'd gladly give away in the name of dissolving their sins
But they'd never help their own kin.
And help me they say...
Aah how could someone have great many expectations from those around...
But that same thing for that they aren't bound.

Hah just What has become of humanity...
it's gone as if it never existed...