

What is true Love?
When people think that Christians are meant to be loving and kind. They think that we're supposed to water down the Bible to let them feel ok with their sinful lifestyle.

But when we speak the truth about their sinful lifestyle, they feel offended, and call us the haters.

Like, "Oh, it's ok, cuss, only for a little bit, it's just a tiny lie, will do you no harm, sex is human nature so it's normal, I understand." This person will not feel offended, so they will keep sinning. No, we can't water down the Bible to make people feel good about themselves. That is not love!

But when Christians don't water down the bible, and speak the truth. Everyone gets offended. "Lying can affect not only you, but your family as well, and when it comes to sinning, it can affect those around you." But, no, they don't want to listen.

They don't want to listen because they love their sinful ways. And they want to stay that way. "Aren't Christians supposed to be loving? let me just live my life."

Spreading the gospel is what we're supposed to do. Is it not? I will not be quiet because you feel offended, or you think I'm being rude.

If you think I am filled with hatred because I tell you of your sinful lifestyle, then it's clear you don't even know the first thing about true love, or being kind.

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