

Inspirational Envy
These days I ask “What are you to me?”
A crush, a best friend, a rival, or a frenemy?
Oftentimes wonderstruck by how you carry yourself
Contrasts with my own personhood that needs a lot of help

Comparisons are a bane that is for sure
In a war with my thoughts and looking for a cure
My image of you, so bold and so free
But me, I feel trapped in a self-made cage for all eternity

Entangled in webs within my own mind scape
Not even aware I should be looking for an escape
But you pull me back into reality when my mind continues to brew
And for the moment, I know that I can stop singing the blues

These feelings so complex, I work to turn them on it’s head
So I can have just inspiration without the envy instead
I give gratitude for our special connection, my serendipity
But for now, you’re my true friend, my inspirational envy
© Michael Kevin Olegario