

Man's law
I looked and was attracted to that place.
A whole orchard of beautiful songs.
I needed to go there,
there would be fruits and there would be beautiful birds

Human, I should take something and make it my own.

It's the law ;
"Do you see something beautiful?
Take it for yourself."
Ignorant of fashion, I sinned,
and I didn't realize that I just wanted to look and be there.

In the orange tree waiting for the angry cow to move away.
In the lagoon trying to swim like a fish.
On the stone, sitting, warming myself like a chameleon.
Dropped into the grass like rotten fruit.

The days passed and the memory became faint,
now I regret it,
should have followed the law
and taken something for me,
drawing everything I saw in verse form.

© Ricardo Bomfim