

Would I?
To know one's self is to know ambiguity, who are we today? Am I grateful for what I have or would a want devolve to envious tirade? Would I root for my fellow citizens of the world or settle the focus to the small plot I do not own? Hard lives differ from place to place, situations are in constant flow. If the river took me to far down stream do I have the strength to paddle against the direction it planned for me to go? Plan for the long run, don't spend all your energy in any one point of dispair. I let shit ride, I am a water sign. The least resistence is the only way to conserve the reserves set aside for the long haul. But this means when I wonder what my limit is, it becomes difficult to see where I will fall. Still, no concern for outcomes not involving changing the status quo. Till death do us part, the lessons of the Earth will continue on. From my place of comfort, which is not the comfort mainstream television shows, I will keep my guns close, as well as peaceful hopes. I do not surrender, I do not run, I do not have any other mindset than what comes with being American grown. What that exactly means is I do not give two shits or one fuck about any tyrant spewing garbage from the mouth that regurgitates from the throat.
© Alien.S