

The world smiled
I was shattered
The flowing river down my cheeks
The fears so intense
Lost I was in thoughts of mission impossible.

In chains of solitude
I was bandaged by fears of the world
My heart running numb at sight of ravens
Uttering sighs not praises
My soul captured by darkness at a speed of zero,
Racing to a destination of nowhere
But decision admissible.

The politics of innocent blood shed,
The massacre of the righteous,
Claims the tomorrow sunrise of freedom fighters,
Clouting them to their tombs
Yet Ferociously calling it democracy.
Ohh what a pity to my country
Without the New Light
Being miscible.

The Universe, the birth giver,
The path of the mightiest.
Bears a new light
The light of salvation
The freedom of freedom fighters
Ohh what a trait of change upon a ladder
Of affable,
My Country South Sudan ought to heed to
Feel the New Light.

© Gilbert Charles
@ MasterPen D'Poet