

Love Affair
In the shadows of the night,
Their passions flared, burning bright.
Two hearts entwined in pure desire,
But fate had planned a cruel empire.

Their love was meant to be forbidden,
Their union a sin, they were hidden.
No one could know of their secret bliss,
For to love each other was to dismiss.

The world and its narrow conventions,
It had no room for such affections.
Their love was pure, but the society's law,
Made it seem like a forbidden call.

They knew they were destined to be apart,
Their love a flame to simmer in the heart.
Yet they continued to hope and pray,
For a chance to be together someday.

They dreamt of breaking free from the chains,
Of society's notions, and its restraining claims.
For love can't be caged, nor can it be chained,
It's a force that must flow, like rivers unexplained.

And so they held on, through the long nights,
Hoping that the future might bring them new sights.
Of a world that sees love without any restriction,
Where two hearts can be together, without affliction.

But until then, they'd remain in the shadows of the night,
Their love, forbidden, yet burning bright.
And they'd keep on dreaming, of a time to come,
When their love would no longer be shunned.
© Jevanjee