

Chronic Iconic
In hidden realms, where pain resides,
A constant presence by our sides.
Through battles waged, both sun and moon,
We navigate a world marooned.

Persistent whispers, silent strife,
Yet hope persists in every life.
Though trials persist, our strength runs deep,
In endless oceans of courage we leap.

Each dawn awakens, a new fight begins,
Against the current, the pain that pins.
But warriors arise, hearts unyielding,
In the face of illness, spirits revealing.

Days of fatigue, nights of unrest,
Yet determination fuels our quest.
To find the light within the haze,
And carry on through endless days.

Friends may fade, but some will stay,
Holding our hands along the way.
Their empathy, a soothing balm,
Amidst the storm, a healing calm.

In doctor's visits and whispered prayers,
In hidden tears and unspoken cares,
We find the strength to persevere,
Though chronic illness lingers near.

Through valleys low and mountains high,
We spread our wings and touch the sky.
For in the midst of life's cruel dance,
We find the strength to rise and enhance.

So let us embrace the courage we've found,
In unity, our voices unbound.
Chronic illness may cast its spell,
But together we conquer, and together we excel.

© TwoTimesTwice