

I'm married to intimidation
I'm married to intimidation,
The neverending cosmos of life is sometimes a brutal sensation.
I take one step, and lose so many others. My future seems so clear! But so do countless others.
I understand this is the way, but honestly I'm scared, and sometimes I stray.
It's those days I love and fear the most, where I can sit with myself and just coast.
Coast along with the freedom I crave, wasting none of this finite life and the sweetness it displays.
Just being in my own mind, traveling between past, present, future, and the divine. These are the days I love, but oh so fear the most.
But intimidation always comes out to play, and unfortunately they bring their friends, anxiety, and the "what if?" plague.
In conclusion, I say, there really is always tomorrow, and the intimidation unfortunately, is here to stay.
© Andy P