

With every step, with every fall
I rose again, through it all
The fire within, it burned so bright
Guiding me on, through the dark of night

The journey long, the road so wide
I walked alone, with heart full of pride
The wind in hair, the sun on face
I raced towards dreams, with a steady pace

And then it came, the moment so sweet
When hard work paid off, and success met
The rush of joy, the thrill of delight
As all the struggles, became worth the fight

In triumph's embrace, I stand tall and proud
My heart overflowing, with happiness allowed
The sense of pride, the feeling so true
Knowing I gave it my all, and saw it through

The joy of success, it shines so bright
A beacon of hope, in the dark of night
A reminder that, our efforts bear fruit
And every step forward, is a step to pursue.