

Everyone was trying to be a philosopher;
Not to pass a message but to be recognised.
To be known as "the wise one",
To be known as smart and clever.

To be the author of the good quote...

But no one wanted to Master the philosophy of the SELF.
It was always for the greater audience.

If you have the ability to gather what people will like;
Perhaps you possess the skill to know yourself.

You could know all the secrets of the Universe,
But they are if no use if you do not use them for yourself first

It's about what you do with what you discovered.
Not showing off.

It's not about being the smartest in the room.
Having a huge follow system.
Or an audience.

It's about action not speech.

You know it all... So what?
Why are you still here suffering with the rest?
Perhaps you don't know it All.
Perhaps you're just holding on to a vague concept.

No one really knows anything.
So we find things out ourselves.

Reality is an Individual Pursuit.
It should be Diverse.