

The Old House
I walked by an old house, which I know,
abandoned in time not, long ago,
it stood silent, and weathered too slow,
now adorned, in all vines and meadow.

It had once housed, many belongings,
hopes and dreams among all other things,
it had cheers and laughs, that humour brings,
now it nests with birds, that sweetly sings.

Doors that welcomed souls, stood there, broken,
the roof that gave shade, has now fallen,
walls that once braved, now lost its notion,
nails that trusted time, saw corrosion.

Why are good things, never meant to stay,
I wondered over this, in dismay,
perhaps it's not precious, if they stay,
letting us cherish, in our own way.

By Jophin Kulangara
© 09-Aug-2022