

Why so?
Ouch! Now I can't take it, it's all too much now
Everything needs to stop...
iam getting traumatized, Sick & Sad..
what could I ask frm god?
I feel like crying ' out of sheer pain, it feels like iam born out of no shell rsn,
This anxiety is making me prolly sick & gone,
idk when will everything turn in mine favour,
I swear I haven't done no bad to people man,
Why with me? The universe is testing & it's really hard to tackle,
I legit got no one whom will understand me,
& the weird part is id even want em cuz idk even if they did,
There will be no solutions
Man I feel so lost,
universe i feel like iam dyin' frm inside,
putting smile outside to show something else
man it's getting hard,
I can't take all at once, I want resilience
but man it's so difficult,
sometimes I think, what's my fault?
did I really make such bad karma?
Man! I swear I pray bad for none neither I got hate for anyone in my heart
God! do you really exist or some divine power is there?
I highly doubt at times,
Man! it's feel like iam kinda cursed,
idk whatever it is,its not on a plane verge!