

2A.M. Snack
It's 2A.M and I need a snack
Should I do it
Or should I take my ass back
Back to sleep cuz I know for a fact
I will be complaining
About that back fat
Oh well to the kitchen I go
I'll just get a bowl of cereal
But wait a minute
Damn we have some Oreos
Ok check this out
Imma get me some oreos and milk
Ill eat a couple of Oreos with a dip
A dip of milk
And a small sip
But wait a minute
Now I see this bag of chips
Well hell you only live once
I getting ready to fix me a sandwich with this
And a cup of juice
Imma turn on me a movie
Sit back and chill
Eat my 2A.M. snacks
Cuz that's what I feel