

I tried to convene my tangled life on a blonde see-saw,
Tried to get over and discern it's denotation,
While persuing all my lucid dreams in my daydreams,
I found, something's absence in my presence,
I tried but failed to get over its answer,
I glided over truths but it's trapped out of my sight.

I forget,what I've started to confess,
It's about the see-saw of my life,
It's there from the very first beginning of my life,
I've been balancing it from one side,
But I only realised about it's presence in my life,
When my opposite side got vacant as my dreams.

I tried walking over it gently,
On the full moon night with the shooting star,
But I found I'm losing my balance,
I tripped and fall on the ground more hardly,
Even after I tried just to move on though I'm falling,
But I ended up strucking thrones underneath my feet.

I found an anonymous soul fluttering over the sky,
I asked if it can help me in someways,
It touched down the green land,
Slowly went over the other side of my see-saw,
I found I'm gradually going up towards the sky,
I reached my stars I've been dreaming.

Suddenly I fell,hard on the ground,
I felt awful,wondered what happened,
I saw the soul has just disappeared within sky,
I can see nothing on the other side.
But I found,that side is staying within cloud,
But I'm sitting so deep in the ground,
Slowly I walked to the other side,
But now my side went down and the other it's high,
I can't understand what's happening with this see-saw,
I sat there with a blanked mind.

Was that soul just came and showed me the truth,
That I really wished to see but not,
Is that waves just calmed in my ocean,
I've been sailing over and lost,
Are those questions wandering in my mind,
Actually got their answers or not,
Is that the thing that's really happening within me,
That I've been unknown or am I really found?

My life it goes up and down further,
It's really happening around this world further,
When I slowly go up and reach my stars,
I fall hardly that is quicker than my blink,
When I try to get up to the sky,
I really need to fight hard against myself,
I saw many people,playing from my other side,
Making me feel so high and in time drop me down,
I'm afraid of heights that I want to reach,
But each time I'm leaving off with a hope,I may reach next time.

© trusfrated.girl