

I tried to convene my tangled life on a blonde see-saw,
Tried to get over and discern it's denotation,
While persuing all my lucid dreams in my daydreams,
I found, something's absence in my presence,
I tried but failed to get over its answer,
I glided over truths but it's trapped out of my sight.

I forget,what I've started to confess,
It's about the see-saw of my life,
It's there from the very first beginning of my life,
I've been balancing it from one side,
But I only realised about it's presence in my life,
When my opposite side got vacant as my dreams.

I tried walking over it gently,
On the full moon night with the shooting star,
But I found I'm losing my balance,
I tripped and fall on the ground more hardly,
Even after I tried just to move on though I'm falling,
But I ended up strucking thrones underneath my feet.

I found an anonymous soul fluttering over the sky,
I asked if it can help me in someways,...