

All Glory Belongs to Him Alone
Here's a poem:

"All Glory Belongs to Him Alone"

In majestic realms, above all thrones
He reigns supreme, forever known
All glory belongs to Him alone
The One who wears the crown

_I. Sovereign King_

Creator of the universe's might
Stars and planets, in His sight
He spoke, and all came into being
His power, our souls keep singing

_II. Holy One_

In righteousness, He stands apart
Pure and just, within His heart
His holiness, our souls adore
A sacred refuge, forevermore

_III. Eternal Light_

Shining bright, through darkest night
Guiding us, to His delight
His radiance, our paths illuminate
A beacon of hope, to navigate

_IV. Almighty God_

Ruling all, with gentle hand
His love and mercy, across the land
From heaven's heights, to earthly plain
His glory shines, forever reigns

_V. Worthy of Praise_

All glory belongs to Him alone
Our praises rise, like incense thrown
He deserves, our highest song
Forever and ever, we'll sing along

"All glory belongs to Him alone" is a powerful declaration of God's majesty and worthiness of praise.
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