

🚘 CARS 🚘
Cars the vehicles we drive to get to and most of our cars are luxury. Most of our cars are beat up and torn down. Most of us had luxury time ago outdated to become beat down and worn out some for cheap and some get expensively. We have to start looking at people like how we look at cars like the phrase man makes a car car. Don’t make the man so as humans decide the quality of what we like.

May not understand this, but most women choose cars are beat down and broke. It may look luxury on the outside, but it’s on the inside but these customers love filth with a shine to it then go back and complain. Why the car is not working but wants to keep it. The car keeps opening up for other people, but it’s hard to open when they want to open it.

Same goes for they buy luxurious cars and it’s luxurious on the inside, but they always have to fill it with money I mean gas to keep it running the doors don’t have locks so they’re easy to open, but sometimes can lock on the customer

Most people want the best looking car, but don’t check the history before they buy it. They just expected to be a Batmobile.