

Letter to A Friend - Pain
Pain, relentless, cruel and unkind,
You haunt my days, torment my weary mind.
With every step I take, you're by my side,
A shadowed figure, in whom I can't hide.

You wear a cloak of darkness, heavy and cold,
Your icy fingers grip my heart, so bold.
You whisper tales of anguish in my ear,
A symphony of sorrow that I must bear.

You dance with glee upon my aching soul,
Leaving scars and wounds that never seem to heal.
Your touch is fire, burning deep within,
A constant reminder of where you've been.

I beg you, Pain, release your cruel hold,
Let me find respite, let my heart unfold.
But you, unyielding, stay by my side,
A silent specter, in whom I can't hide.

Yet in your grip, I find a strength anew,
For through the tears and trials, I break through.
I rise with courage, face the darkest night,
For even in your presence, I find light.

#english #englishpoems #pain #hopeamidstpain #letter
© TheKingsSon