

If Depressed...😞
I know you are upset,😞
And you want to quit.😖
But even in these gloomy times,😣
I'll try to make you laugh with my wit.😁

Destiny is playing games with you,😒
Which you pass through with lots of pains.😫
But you gotta be brave and show destiny,😎
Who has got more brains🧠

Thoughts of death,💭
Might knock at your door.🚪
But don't open it and just call across,💬
"Buddy, to get in, you gotta wait a lot more".🤪

The world is full of beauty,😊
All you have to do is explore.🧐
Look there is a little smile on your face,🙂
But I want more😉

So stay happy and enjoy,😋
Because that is what life is about.🤗
Keep smiling as if someone is clicking your pictures,😁
And at times don't forget to pout.😚

At the end of the day, remember,🤔
If you still exist, then your purpose of life is unfulfilled,😇
The journey will give you immense peace,🤤
And I bet you will be thrilled.😌

So pull off your mask,🎭
And show the real you.👧
Because the whole world might turn fake,🚫
But you should always remain true.❇


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