

Waltzing Dreams: A Poet's New Year Ode

In the quiet hush of winter's embrace,
Festive echoes fill the open space.
A poet's pen, a canvas of words,
Painting the New Year with hopes unheard.

Midnight's kiss, a transition profound,
A symphony of time, a resounding sound.
Glimmers of dreams in the starry night,
Futures untold, bathed in soft moonlight.

Resolutions bloom like flowers in spring,
In the heart's garden, where aspirations sing.
Echoes of joy, like bells in the air,
A tapestry woven with moments rare.

Reflections dance in the river of time,
A poet's translation, a rhythmic rhyme.
New chapters unfurl, like pages in wind,
As the New Year's tale begins to rescind.

So let festive echoes linger and sway,
In the poet's verses, in the dawn's first ray.
A tapestry of dreams, a lyrical cheer,
Happy New Year, in the poet's ear.
© Poison123
