

The Glass

He was head over heels in love with her,
She sighed after taking a long breath.
He sobs uncontrollably,
As they try to break through a glass that divides.

In this world their friendship blossomed a vibrant rose,
Their connections run deeper than what one knows.
Laughter and secrets, melted away the hour,
For within their hearts, grew love that doesn't sour.

He cherished her smile, that sparkle in her eyes,
She admired his strength, both cunning and wise.
But now they stand at a heart-wrenching road,
Their emotions splattered, KA-BOOM, an explode.

Through the glass he gazed, her fingers he did trace,
Lines that defined his love, a warm embrace.
A consort of his emotions, a dance of his heart,
Love's vivid colours, friendship's work of art.

She knew his dreams, his fears, and his strife,
She understood him in silence, his passion for life.
Could their love and friendship coexist in this place?
Or would one overpower, leaving an empty space?

Their cheeks tarnished, stained by tears,
As they confronted their hopes and unknown fears.
They whisper, a promise, in each other's ear,
Their love and friendship had merged, it's crystal clear.

Break the glass, and paths will blend,
But on our own sides, our wounds can mend.
Will they embrace the love they found?
Destroying the glass, is an earthshattering sound.

A story etched in eternity, forever to unfurl.
Like a leaf in wind, stuck to dance and twirl.
In love and friendship, they'll eternally be,
A story of clashing emotions, a new odyssey.

© Quiet Winter