

TINY TRINKLETS: 1- The call of void
I don't remember when was the last time, since my heart throbbed,
away from alluring emotions, but sensitive enough to feel the frost.

People, they glimmer in hope, adorned by the fire like moths,
yet the igni eats us all away, burns all the quenchful feeling we ever hath.

Seems so pretty from afar, the sparkling distant stars,
and here I am, gazing at the emptiness, and the one staring back at me, seems to be the dark.

The delicate warm light I ever saw in my dreams, turned out to be the worst nightmare I lived in my sleep,
erstwhile, I was lost, astray from the sky, and I found myself deep in awry.

I was like a promise unfulfilled, that the lost warrior couldn't kept, or an apology, the two forever lovers never said.
now I am a sin, in between white and black, could never ask for more, I am alive but I am dead.

Drowned in the beauty of chaos, where the world feels surreal,
never been one with hell or heaven, for I feel the void and it feels so real.

© Inblues