

Girl Found Dead
I was murdered
not assassinated
I wasn't a martyr
just a victim they published postdated

"19 year old girl dead..."
Friday,July 31,2020

But I died Wednesday morning
Funny, ain't it?
to die the way you lived: mistaken ?

"...cause of death was blunt trauma..." ,it said

Because I remember the bullet piercing my head.

So no, I wasn't assassinated
just murdered
No one rebelled
No one rioted in my name...which the papers misspelled

I don't want an ode to my life
just an obituary that's factually right

"...manhunt for the killer underway..."

My killer is on the loose
Running free
as she told me she would be
They won't see it I promise
she'd sworn
You're not that important to the world
It won't be scorned

"...murderer not found...case closed..."

So the police really can't tell a murder from suicide
If you do it just right and lie the way I lied
Being unimportant didn't hurt either
That's what she told as I squeezed the trigger

"Thank you for trusting me "
she says
"Thank you for setting me free"
I tell her back

The tiny voice in my head
that never mispronounced my name
She who knows all my secrets
but never made me feel ashamed
"Thank you" I say again
as I rewrite my story anew
I take my blood and title it "me and you
© Ma-cal