

Why so the things fall apart?
Why does the world turns off?
Why do the feelings rush in,
And why do they leave numb at the end?
Why do the desire cease to grow one day,
And why don't they ever come back?Why it doesn't feel alive anymore?
Why does this world seems unreal?
Why is everyone out place?
And why nobody cares about this?
Why is life now filled with darkness,
And why has the light gone away?
Why does the sun goes goes away,
And the night comes up?
Even if the night is moonlit
but why does the moon not shine,
And why are the stars hidden?
Why are there clouds everywhere,
And why are storms roar out there?
Why is the old soothe lost?
Why can nobody find peace?
Why the holy has become noisy?
Why love cannot be found anywhere
but face are all shred?
Why blue circles surround the eyes?
they reflect the darkness of soul..
Why has the soul betrayed it's body?
Why don't they both cope up?
Why do the eyes always see toxic?
Why can't they find happiness?
Why do they always fear this?
Why does the heart aches so much?
Why does it lose hope with every star that falls?
Why are the backs turned with every flower that withers?
Why does it break down with every drop of rain falls?
Why do the things change when they seem perfect?
With every piece of trust that breaks,
why nobody cares??
The question is why?..
© Khushmanpreet