

My world was steady until he came,
He caused a turbulent in my world,
Didn't realize when he become so important to me,
My world is now all about him and me.

He's the one who illuminated my dull life,
Into a bright day and glimmering night.

When I feel cold,
He wraps his arms around me.
When I feel afraid,
He protects me.
When I feel sad,
He cheers me up.
When I cry, 
He kisses my tears away.

He looks at me with those loving eyes,
Which I only want for myself.
He made me love myself,
He makes me feel to be the happiest girl in the world. 

My thoughts are constantly about him,
His eyes which shines in the sunlight,
His smile which calms me,
His arms which comforts me,
His lips which makes me feel so loved.

He's my world and everything,
My world revolves around him.
He's my treasure, 
And my knight in shinning armour.

© Copyright_Kriti