

A year closer to death

It's been a couple of years I tasted life,
Trust me, it's different from heavens way of life,
Here is all about racing here and there, I had the notion of giving up on life,
Fortunately and unfortunately, like any other being, I have what makes me hold onto my dear life.

The more I live the more I see,
Nothing's worth chasing but I'll still go ahead racing,
Today makes it a year closer to death,
It's nothing but a reminder, a reminder that I'm racing to make my mark on this earth where all road leads to death.

The tears of the ones that gave me birth,
The promises I made to the ones which to me, they are down to earth,
If I renege on my words, my sins are punishable only by death,
So in humility, I await what's next.
© unspokenwords