

I never saw things turning out like this
On the real tho
I can't even believe this shit

Reality damn near took my last breathe
In a single hit
Everything I love desireably forgotten
Every time i got lit

Fucking distraught
Alone I sit

Wishing it was easy to quit
The life I had and the dreams I once believed in
I guess they will never fit

Feeling lost, abandoned, and entirely confused
I can't even recall
A lifetime full of abuse

The decision is mine now
And I'm scared what I will choose

Because in this game
There's no winning
Only lose

I could care less
To cover up the bruise

People think they can take on my life
And walk in my shoes

Like I have it all handed to me
They really have no clue

Give them five minutes
They'll be begging for answers of what to do

I'll just sit back and watch
Claiming it's not on me anymore
This is up to you

But you could hit me up later
Aimlessly searching for booze

And fiery veins
That's if the bullet hasn't already pierced my brain

Cause I walked away completely defeated by the shame
I really hope no one will even remember my name

I told you I was good
As I continuously got higher

I allowed myself to be enslaved
By a demonic desire

I'll be known as that girl
Who died a liar

Because the straw that broke the camel's back
Turned out to be a needle

Curled up in the closet
On the floor like a fetal

I honestly thought I could change my life
For the better

And stand bulletproof even through this weather Reminiscing on the times we had together

But in this storm I am the feather
My pillow keeps getting wetter

From all the painfully exhausting tears that I've shed
It's been weeks since I allowed myself
To actually be fed

The regret took free rent
To fuck up my head

Wish there was some truth
In the things I actually said

I'm drifting away slowly
A moment I no longer dread

The suicide girl that denied her very existence
Reached her goal

21 years old
That girl is dead

© My Rebel Diaries