


A many nights I wept as I slept,
but in the darkness as Death crept,
my Life was still kept.

For I fought as I sought, but no way out,
I wrought but what I caught,
couldn't be bought.

In a corner of a ring, I wrestle this thing,
with nothing to bring,
in a struggle I sing.

In remorse I thrust to the shore,
but no waves just a floor,
as I reach for the door.

I yell, I scream, in this plot with no scheme,
looking for my redeem,
from this nightmare dream.

In bodies of water, I swim in a slaughter,
as I thrust harder,
to go a little farther.

For I can't drown from the murderous sound,
as I hear the blood of Abel,
crying from the ground.

In an ocean I thirst, as my words burst,
trying to find a verse,
to stop the hearse first.

But at a last in strife,
as the reaper takes his scythe to wife,
and yet another loses his life.

Then he said to me come sit on the cloud,
as he pointed at the crowd,
my deaf ears heard it loud.

But in his voice, he had no remorse,
as he grinned I heard a noise,
saying it was their choice.

And for all I gave, to save em from the crave,
the mentality of being a slave,
still took em to the grave.

But yet I push and pull, thru this valley so full,
like a Matador to a bull,
in a red stream river of wool.

I write on my page, the rage on the stage,
for earning the tombstone wage,
is another young age.

For in this cemetery so scary,
the buried amount does vary,
because death refuses to tarry.

From the body drop, the count doesn't stop,
as death chops his crop,
out on the blacktop.

& as the rains, wash away the stains,
the pain yet remains,
as I witness others in the same chains.

And alas as I wake, the torment I can't shake,
for it's real and not fake,
in a lake of bodyache.

For as I walk the block in shock,
I hear the clock tick tock,
in a pawn shop with no hock.

And in tears I moan, the same sad song,
no returning to fix the wrong,
for they all: Stayed --- Gone.

© Kevin McCray