

Tears of the heart
Silent tears fall in the dead of night,
Aching echoes of a love now out of sight.
Words unspoken hang heavy in the air ,
Lost in the void of the heart laid bare.

Once , we danced beneath the starlit sky,
With wishpered promises that refused to die.
But time's cruel hand pulled us apart,
Leaving scars etched deep in this wounded heart.

Your laughter , once a melody so sweet,
Now echoes faintly in memories incomplete.
The warmth of your touch , a distant dream ,
Lost in the silence of a love's silent scream.

I trace the contours of our faded love ,
Like a delicate painting worn by the glove.
Each brushstroke tells a story of pain ,
Of a love that couldn't weather the strain.

In the stillness of this lonely hour ,
I gather fragments of love turned sour.
Yet amidst the tears that softly fall,
I find strength to rise above it all .

For love , though fleeting , leaves it's marks,
A testament to the light in the dark .
And though our path may now diverge ,
I carry your love ,an internal surge .

© Ayhdnas