

I sit around thinking and wondering, what am I worth, why am I here on this place called earth..
As much as I try to figure this out, the more want to scream and shout..
Somehow somewhere on this path I travel,
I'm just waiting to see my future unravel.
Down on hope, and surely out of luck, I've gotten to that point where I don't give a fuck.
The more I try to make better of life, someone cut me down with with a dull ass knife..
And everytime I get back up pushing harder than I did before, and when I'm almost there someone slams that door.
It's hard not to feel like I'm not meant to succeed, when I'm not out for myself I don't thrive for greed.
I help others instead of when I should be helping me, and when the tables turn the ones I helped, I do not see..
All these people, and so called friends, are like the sun when days come to a end..
A vanishing act, not one with a dove, but in this world we all live in, where is the love..

© heavenly kevinly