

Billions of people
Are living,
Some are working
for themselves,
What's life??
Dying and living,
Again the same...

What is the profit you gain???

Wake up to reality..
As a human,
we want to worship god,
Coz, He gave birth,
and everything you need..

Be a devotees of God,
And devotion is magnificent..

Hence, I know,
it is difficult,
Still want to do...

When you do these,
At first,
Change won't be there,
After and After,
You know....

In previous life or generation,
Might you will be as dog or something,
but not human,
Coz, In this universe,
Our soul is get into body...

At first,
you (soul) will be a rock,
then snail,
then rat,
then tree,
then bird's

At last, your soul will get into a human body,

As, our soul has done some pure deeds,
So only we have came up as a human,
If your soul has done some sin deeds,
Obviously, You will go to hell and,
in next birth, You have to face many obstacles and couldn't birth like human...

Keep your soul clean as well as your heart,
The mind is everything,
What you think, you become.

So, think positive..

God gave this human birth,
to do great thing,
But we are enjoying,
Attending party,
Doing sin deeds,
Not worshiping god,[in heart]
what is this??????????.

Karma is there brother or sister,
Never ever forget this...🙏🙏

And go to spiritual world...
Om Sri ram.....


© Priyadharshan Soundar Rajan