

This Outlaws Promise
I am an Outlaw.
and I guess I always will be.
I'd gladly give my life.
To save my kids from tyranny.
go in the kitchen, kiss my wife,
then these motherfuckers be hearin me.
these crooked politicians trying to take away my rights.
So it's time to saddle up and join the fight..
you'll just see me grin, when you say that we can't win.
Cause i'm a patriot to the bone,
even though I've lived a life of sin.
I'm a god fearing man, and I'm not afraid of anyone but him.
You can try to take away my freedom.
But, you will never win.
There's too many men and women out here, just like me.
and all that shit you're saying, well,
it's just not likely.
We got you outbumbered, ten to one.
And none of us are afraid to die,
to protect our daughters and our son's.
At all costs we will preserve our future,
for our future generations.
our forefathers gave us this constitution. And we'll all gladly die to ensure it's preservation.
We got patriots, We got Veterans,
our brothers and sisters on the reservations.
We got whites, We got Blacks, Latinos, Asians and everything in between.
We saw right through your plans to divide us.
So we'll all be on the scene.
We're coming in and cleaning house.
If you know what I mean.
None of us want war,
we just want to live in peace.
But now that you've provoked us.
all this peace talk can cease.
We have all had more than we can handle.
It's time to get rid of all these career politicians and their scandle.
It's time to put an end to these special interest groups and their greed.
We're gonna drop them on their heads
and show them the colors that we bleed.
It's that Red, White and Blue.
Just don't act like you never knew.
When all these Outlaws, Vets and patriots band together and come after you.
One nation under god, and we know what we have to do.
Nobody wants violence, Nobody wants a war.
But our constitutional rights, we are willing to die for.
Our forefathers sacrificed so much,
to provide freedom to us and future generations.
They gave undeniable constitutional rights to our great Nation.
The government does not control the people, and for good reason.
Trying to change that fact, is nothing less than treason.
It's time for all you career politicians to step down,
pack up your shit and leave town.
We don't care what the buildabergs, Soros, Gates, or any of the other rich people say,
We the people are revoking your power.
we're sending your puppets away.
Your New World Order is to go away and not provoke us.
It's not gonna be good for you,
if you continue to poke us.
The United States of America will always be,
the Home of the brave, and the land of the free.
One Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.

© James L. Babcock Jr.